
How To Start A Fire in Your Fireplace


As you see, this knife is not that big. It's an end so Necker made by the finnish company and so and the handle is actually made by yours truly. So this is one of my favorite knives. I'r pretty happy with the result, but it's it's. A very small knife to produce feather sticks in this kind of wood. This is very hard, very dry, birch wood ideal for making a fire in this kind of fireplace absolutely, but just to prove the point, I will use a small knife to produce this for the sticks, since this method is actually I mean it's not very hard.

It's very easy to produce kindling just by having split wood but yeah. If this would not be a round log, then this would not be possible really. You would have to split this somehow and yeah having a split log. You also have this sharp edges here. That would be great to produce it's felicitous, so let's get started so what I would obviously do is to start in a corner. I split so will produce feather sticks in you know all of them basically, and if something falls off then I'll just place that you know this kind of knife is not really what you get the point.

Obviously, when we have birch bark, we will feel some off and you set the skinning notice that I don't Ram the knife into the cardboard since I use my knuckles as a stop. So if I go off the edge here, oh we just knock. My knuckles into the cardboard snow may be the best way to do this, but if we would have had a lighter or some matches to ignite this stuff, we would have been done by now. But since I will use the fire still to ignite this, I would want some smaller stuff and then I take the back with a spine of my knife.

The bevel here should be a 90 degree angle on the spine, so I turn the knife around. So the edge of the knife is out from the wood, and then I use the back of the knife to scrape kindling so having some of this fine dust stuff here. This dust here would catch sparks an ignite. This stuff produce me so the way I would set things up in the fireplace would be to place a log in the back with the inner side.

The split log facing out and put the rest leftovers of the feather sticks to act as kindling, together with the birch bark that came off logs, and then I would just continue with placing another log with a split inside facing in so this would be a pretty Good reflector that would build up heat and ignite both the logs. Then I could continue by placing something here. Whenever we get there and we'll have basically two slots there, that would produce nice white warm fire.

This would burn a bit longer than your normal kind of teepee fire, so yeah, that's the one I prefer to use in a fireplace anyway, having this kind of dog here prevents the logs from rolling out. So that's how easy or difficult that was, and this fire has been burning for a while now another log. So when you get here, you can just add one log on top of the other, and you have yourself a nice fire that you don't need to attend.

Very often for the evening so I mean maybe this method took a lot longer than using newspaper or cardboard, or this kind of special waxed paper that used to light fires and fireplaces. But still we took a log processed it to make further sticks and lit the fire in in less than 10 minutes. We didn't use any other kind of kindling. Just the feather sticks beside the birch bark. Now, of course that was already on the ropes.

So it's it's a pretty simple method. I think – and it's quite a bit of an effort, of course with that small knife. But if you would have a more appropriate knife for the task, then this would have been yeah somewhat simple to do anyway. So that's it! This has been another episode of my account. I hope you enjoyed it and please comment and subscribe and until next time this is Mike


By Tim Broken

I am an avid camper and love to wright about various camping trips and other stuff. Check out my blog to learn more about me.

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